Science - Runners Band

The Science

Of Runnersband
  • The Runners Band  serves to promote optimal proper so-called right-angled arm swinging.  Such so called right -angled arm swinging serves to enhance running velocity by minimizing arm waiving during running and hence minimizing body drag and wasted energy.  Proper right-angle arm swinging during running  calculated to save energy and minimize drag is a technique that has proven to be very difficult to teach to prospective competitive runners.
  • The Runners Band is a device which increases the endurance of a runner by supporting the weight of his arms as he runs.  It is believed that eliminating or reducing this weight as one is running will substantially decrease the rate at which a jogger/runner tires.
  • The Runners Band purpose for the development of the runners band is to provide a simple uncomplicated method of improving upper body walking and running mechanics that facilitate training muscle memory in the arms and upper body of the user
  • The Runners Band is a method for training in proper running form
  • The Runners Band stretch cords pull the shoulders back and in allowing for better posture and better center of gravity for balance while the user is walking or running
  • The Runners Band also takes the thinking out of running and thus allows the runner during running to transfer his mental status to a deeper state of meditation and mental ease thus minimizing any attention that can sometimes be focused and directed on the discomforts of running.


The Runner’s Band  will help to create a technically efficient motor pattern. This occurs by placing the upperbody in the correct position when wearing the Runner’s Band.  Then as the athlete to performs Perfect Reps they will create for themselves a new neuromuscular pattern that over time can become second nature and be experienced with out the Runnersband.

Pieces of Technique Positively Affected

  • Moving the arms forward and backward in line with the direction of movement. The arms should not swing across the body and the elbows should point backwards, not outwards.
  • Swing the arms from the shoulders, not the elbows. Keep the elbows bent and focus on driving them backward.
  • Hold the elbows at about a 90-degree angle. Allow the elbow angle to fluctuate slightly during the arm swing, but don’t stray too far from 90 degrees (70 to 120 degrees is a good range.)
  • Have the hands pass the body at about hip height. Avoid holding the arms so high that they pass above the waist or so low that they pass below the hips.
  • Swing the arms powerfully through a full range of motion. Distance runner’s hands should move from their hip or a bit further back to their chest. When sprinting or running uphill, the hands should move from the back pocket, or a bit further back to the chin.
  • Keep the shoulders and hands relaxed. The shoulders should be down, not tight, and the hands should be relaxed but stable, not clenched in a fist, hyper-extended, or flopping around.